Making the Wedding of the Year on a Budget

on January 23, 2016 .

Weddings can be very expensive events. Weddings for most people are a once in a lifetime event, but many eager brides plan their weddings with no budget whatsoever in mind. It is important to have you wedding be an event to remember, but you do not want to still be paying on your wedding when your first child is headed to college.

Brides do not like to think of a budget because many of them believe that a budget conscious wedding is cheap and will be viewed as such by guests. This is an awful misconception and should be eliminated immediately. Truthfully, a wedding does not have to break the bank to be special. The trick is to get people involved and let them help you. Your wedding party, friends, and relatives can be great helpers when it comes to making beautiful pieces for your wedding. People have different talents and ideas that can make you wedding the talk of the town without spending much on decorations. Here are some decoration ideas that will inspire you to create some of your own and keep your money for the honeymoon instead of the wedding.

Table Decorations

Wedding centrepieces

We see it all the time in weddings. The tables are ornamentally decorated with awe-inspiring centrepieces. Centrepieces can be very expensive because you have to have one for each table and depending on the guests even cheaply purchased centrepieces can be a huge expense. Instead of spending that type of money make them yourself. Glass jars have become one of the most effective ways to decorate a table. They can be purchased for practically nothing and come in a variety of shapes that can be perfect for flowers as well as candles depending on what you want.


Wedding vanue

One of the most expensive aspects of a wedding is the venue. Wedding venues can cost thousands to rent just for a few hours. Instead of opting for the most opulent wedding venue in town scale it down a bit and find someone with a farm or a beautiful tree grove on their property. This is where family and friends will be very helpful. Almost everyone knows someone that has a large yard and as long as you are willing to clean up after yourself you may even be able to secure the property for very little or even no money at all. Should you be worried about rain putting a damper on the wedding tents can be rented for far less than an indoor space to have a wedding.


People always compliment on the food at a wedding. If it is terrible your wedding will be marked bad and if it really good you can bet your wedding will be viewed as a success. Although it can be easier to hire a caterer, it is not always a success and will take up most of the budget.  Have your wedding at a time where people will not be starving; sometime between lunch and dinner, so you will not have to serve a full meal. Instead opt for small inexpensive one or two bite offerings. Finger foods can be made quickly and very inexpensively. In addition, they can be made in advance up to a few days before the event so that there is not a big rush to complete everything. You can divide the menu among your helpers so one person does not end up doing all the cooking.

Wedding Party Gifts

Gifts for the wedding party have come to be an expected aspect at weddings. You want each person in the wedding to have something to remember the event by, but you can make gifts rather than buying them. People love candles. Simple votive candles and baby food jars can make excellent gifts. You can even use inexpensive stick on crystals to spell out the wedding date so they will always remember your anniversary.

Personalised Wedding Gift

Weddings do not have to be horribly expensive events in order to be memorable ones. With all the money you will save on your budget conscious wedding you can focus having a blast on your honeymoon. You may even want to hide a little present for your new wife or husband as a gift on your honeymoon.
Don't forget to check our beautiful personalised wedding gifts to help you remember the actual date as well as become a showpiece for the home you will share for the rest of your lives. Our papercuts come in a variety of styles including our Love Tree Papercut and when your family grows to include little ones you can return to us again for a family tree papercut to remind you of the family your love has grown.