The Benefits of Engaging Your Kids in Paper Crafts

on September 11, 2015 .

With a technology based society it can be hard to get children involved with an activity that does not involve some form of electronic device. In addition to that battle there is the issue of finding time to do crafts and art projects with your children. Families seem to be on the go all the time with different activities and social obligations. By the time we get it all done there is no more energy to do anything apart from lie down and relax for a few minutes.

Paper craft roseIt can seem like there is no time in the day to spend making things with your kids, but I can assure you the end result will be more precious than what any social obligation or extracurricular activity can provide. The only people that you should feel obligated to spend time with are your family. Others will just have to move aside.

Spending time does not have to involve an entire day or even have to cost much at all. The main factor is finding things that you and your family can do together and one of the best ways to spend time together is doing a homemade craft. Crafts can be made of almost any household item. The best crafts often involve paper and the benefits from allowing children to make these paper crafts will help them throughout their lives.

Improves Focus

It is a problem that faces many families today, lack of focus among children. Countless parents have been called to the office of the school to learn that their precious angel is not focusing in class. Lack of focus can affect a child for their entire lives if not addressed early. Many physicians will recommend medication to help children focus better, but a more positive approach is to get your children involved in crafts.

Children papercutThe problem with many kids in school today is that they do not understand why they have to go. They cannot see the end result so they are more apt to let their mind wonder. Crafting allows a child to pick a project and see it through to the end. They can see the end result and will realize that if they focus on achieving a goal they can make anything happen.


It is a growing trend that parents will put their child in front of the television set or give them a tablet to keep them occupied so the parent can have a break. Everyone needs a break from time to time, but it is important to realise that the television offers little in creativity development. Even if the program is educational, they are merely learning facts. To have a well-rounded child you have to have an environment that promotes creativity as well as fact based learning.

Children and crafts

Paper crafts give the child a chance to express itself in a purely creative environment. They do not have to stick to strict protocol with paper crafts and are freer to let their creativity flow.

Life Skills

You may not think of paper crafts in terms of building life skills, but a child that is given the task of creating something out of paper has to use their brains to finish the task. Children build many problem-solving skills from paper crafting. In addition to problem solving your child will learn social skills and how to follow directions, which is something greatly lacking among many adults today. Apart from these life skills your child will earn the satisfaction of making something with their own hands and they will be able to carry that confidence with them throughout life.

Motor Skills

Young children are learning at an alarming rate, however motor skills are not thought much of anymore. Developing the motor skills of a child is vital to their overall developmental process. Paper crafts can employ different shapes and colours to teach kids their relationships. Matching up pieces for these paper crafts gives the child a great advantage when they reach school age. Children that are encouraged in motor skill development are known to do better in school.

Spending time with the family is vital to having a healthy environment for a child to grow up in. Paper crafts may seem like a small thing, but for a small child it is the little things that often mean the most. Money can be made every day, but time is the one thing you will never get back. The world is moving fast and children are growing up and leaving home quicker than ever. It is so important to spend time with your children before they are out on their own.

Twenty Fingers is a family focused company. We understand the importance of family togetherness and encourage every family to spend time together doing paper crafts. You never know what you will create together and you will cherish the time spent with one another forever.